Showing all 13 results

26.08 - 30.08.2024

We will learn how to best combine traditional and innovative technologies in agriculture. How to get better results by reducing the use of chemicals and GMOs. How to apply information technology in agriculture. We will expand our understanding of farming and learn how to keep up with the times while working in this field.

29.07 - 02.08.2024

What is the difference between a preliminary design and an architectural design? How to wisely save on construction materials? We will learn how to create an estimate, manage the specialists involved in the project, and use every resource to deliver the project on time.

15.07 - 19.07.2024

How to organize a big event or an original holiday for a small company? What needs to be taken into account when drawing up a budget. What should you pay attention to so that the holiday is not ruined? We will try ourselves as the organizer of a real holiday event and do everything possible to make every guest feel happy.

22.07 - 26.07.2024

How does genetics affect every person’s life? What has changed in people’s daily lives after major discoveries in this area? Why are genetic tests so popular now? We will study what methods of human genetic research exist and how they can be used to prevent and treat genetic diseases.

01.07 - 05.07.2024

What does a nutritionist do? How to help people lead a healthy lifestyle? Which specialists can help improve your quality of life?

We will gain basic knowledge in the field of taking care of our health, and learn how to competently combine it with life in a big city. We will create our own project on a healthy lifestyle, based on knowledge in the field of management, dietetics and sports.

12.08 - 16.08.2024

We will learn how to manage transport and material flows and use resources as efficiently as possible. We examine every stage the product goes through, monitor the quality of delivery, optimize the route and choose the most efficient mode of transport.

10.06 - 14.06.2024

Where does the investigation begin? What qualities do you need to solve a crime? Let’s find out how cybercrimes are investigated. Let’s learn how to collect and analyze information using all possible methods.

17.06 - 21.06.2024

How does landscape design vary by region? What do you need to consider when designing an outdoor space?

We will learn how to design a beautiful and functional area by combining creative and practical tasks. We will also create our own landscape design project for the area.

19.08 - 23.08.2024

Where does creating a personal brand begin? Why is it so important to build a strong personal brand in any field? We will learn to use communication, sales, marketing and image building skills. Let’s find out what to pay attention to when creating a personal brand in different areas.

03.06 - 07.06.2024

What does a project manager do and how do they differ from the head of a company? How does a project manager budget and look for ways to increase profits?

We will learn the 5 stages that every project goes through, how to help the team maintain a manageable working pace, and how to adjust tasks and help in their effective implementation.

08.07 - 12.07.2024

We will learn how an understanding of how the psyche works can help a person achieve their goals and change their life for the better. What approaches exist in psychology and how psychologists from different schools work. We will try to apply different ideas from psychology to solve problems that arise in human life.

24.06 - 28.06.2024

Why is it important to improve the quality of social services? How do social services impact the lives of communities and individuals?

We will create a project to improve quality of life and discuss all possible options for its implementation.

05.08 - 09.08.2024

How does the tourism business work from the inside? Working in tourism is both an exciting adventure, an opportunity to get to know different countries, requiring the need to make quick decisions and have extensive knowledge in different areas. We will learn how to create travel plans for different requests and destinations, and the secrets of finding the best airline tickets and secret hotels.
